How Even Rigged Statin Studies Only Show 3 to 4 Days Increase in Longevity

Executive Summary The medical establishment is careful not to present the total improvement in longevity from statins in pharmaceutical company-controlled studies. Introduction How little do statins improve longevity? If you listen to the medical establishment, you will never discover what this article covers. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing…

Why Reducing Cholesterol Should Not Be a Health Focus

Executive Summary The public was informed that reducing cholesterol should be their diet’s primary focus, and an entire category called statins was recommended to reduce it. This article analyzes these claims against the evidence. Introduction For decades the population was told they needed to have their cholesterol tested and, if necessary, to take medication to…

The Understated Side Effects of Statins Like Lipitor

Executive Summary Statins are presented without much discussion of their side effects. We cover the side effects of statins and the reason for them. Introduction Statins have serious side effects that MDs minimize when they prescribe these drugs. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

The Explanation for Why Statins Do Not Lead to Fewer Cardiovascular Events

Executive Summary Statins are ineffective at improving any health outcomes. This article covers how this is the case for a widely prescribed drug. Introduction Statins are presented as improving health; however, while they reduce cholesterol, they do not impact health outcomes. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text…

Cholesterol Reduction: How Statins Interfere With Proper Cellular Metabolism

Executive Summary Statins reduce cholesterol levels — however, the pharma companies and MDs leave out important negative metabolic consequences of using statins. Introduction Statins are widely prescribed to bring down cholesterol levels. However, what pharmaceutical companies and medical establishment hide from the public is that statins interfere with proper cellular metabolism. The overstatement of the…