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Table of Contents: Select a Link to be Taken to That Section

All Articles Sorted by Date

To see the most recent articles, select the link below.

Articles by Date Published

Article Category #1: Ivermectin General

Ivermectin offers treatment and prevention for many diseases and general health maintenance.

This article index provides explanations of Ivermectin from many perspectives, including cancer, the medical establishment’s war on Ivermectin, dosage and safety, general topics, and covid.

These first articles are both subscriber favorites and starter articles. Starter articles are the articles subscribers are most curious about right off the bat – including dosage, sourcing, and so on.

Ivermectin General Article Index

Article Category #2: Ivermectin and Cancer

One of the most popular areas of our site is the use of Ivermectin for cancer.

Ivermectin and Cancer Article Index

Article Category #3: Ivermectin Versus Different Human Cancers

This shows the effectiveness of Ivermectin for different specific common cancers in humans.

Ivermectin and Different Cancers Article Index

Article Category #4: Ivermectin Versus Different Dog Cancers

This shows the effectiveness of Ivermectin for different specific common cancers in dogs.

Ivermectin and Different Dog Cancers Article Index

Article Category #5: MDs and Ivermectin

A common question we receive is finding MDs to work with on Ivermectin. These articles cover this topic.

MDs and Ivermectin Article Index

Article Category #6: Fenbendazole, Mebendazole and Albendazole

These drugs are all types of Benzodimidizoles. They offer treatment and prevention for many diseases and general health maintenance but are also used against cancer.

Benzodimidizoles Article Index

Article Category #7: Fenbendazole and Mebendazole Albendazole Versus Different Cancers

This shows the effectiveness of the different Benzodimidizole derivatives for different specific common cancers in humans.

Benzodimidizoles Versus Different Cancers Article Index

Article Category #8: Drug Sourcing

This article category applies to Ivermectin and Fenbendazole as well as other drugs. Sourcing is more complicated than most subscribers first think, as there are multiple factors to consider.

Drug Sourcing Index

Article Category #9: Cancer Starter Articles

Cancer Starter Article Index

The Calculators

Article Category #10a: Dosage Calculators and Dosage Topics

This index contains all our dosage calculator guides and other drug dosage topics.

Dosage Calculators and Dosage Topics Article Index

Article Category #10b: Treatment AI Calculators

These articles contain calculators and explanations for decision support on both conventional treatments and nonstatus quo drugs.

Treatment AI Calculators Article Index

Article Category #11: Cancer General Articles

Despite enormous sums spent on cancer research, cancer continues to be expected.

These articles cover cancer from the perspective of its function, analysis of the advice provided by health authorities, the use of Ivermectin, and the problematic way information about cancer treatments gets to the public.

Cancer General Articles

Article Category #12: Articles on Types of Cancers

To find articles on your specific cancer type.

Articles by Cancer Type Index

Article Category #13: Cancer and Chemotherapy

These are only the cancer articles related to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the most prescribed treatment for cancer. However, the majority of patients go in for chemotherapy without an independent analysis of its effectiveness and an accurate understanding of the likely outcomes.

Cancer and Chemotherapy Article Index

Article Category #14: Cancer and Radiotherapy

These are only the cancer articles related to radiotherapy, one of the big four cancer treatments. However, most patients go in for radiotherapy without an independent analysis of its effectiveness and an accurate understanding of the likely outcomes.

Cancer and Radiotherapy Article Index

Article Category #15: Cancer Surgery

These are only the cancer articles related to cancer surgery, one of the big four cancer treatments. However, the majority of patients go in for cancer surgery without an independent analysis of its effectiveness and an accurate understanding of the likely outcomes.

Cancer Surgery Article Index

Article Category #16: Cancer, Immune System, and Immunotherapy

These are only the cancer articles related to the immune system and immunotherapy, one of the major standard cancer treatments. However, most patients go in for immunotherapy without an independent analysis of its effectiveness and an accurate understanding of the likely outcomes.

Cancer, Immune System, and Immunotherapy Article Index

Article Category #17: Cancer Hormone Therapy

Cancer hormone therapy works by blocking testosterone in men for prostate cancer. However, the story of this category of drug is much larger than just this use.

Cancer Hormone Therapy Article Index

Article Category #18: Cancer Treatment Analysis

We perform treatment analysis, which evaluates the treatment of a specific cancer or a cancer center. This link includes some previous cancer treatment analyses and explains how it works.

Cancer Treatment Analysis Article Index

Article Category #19: Personalized Treatment AI Calculators

These calculators incorporate our research and are important for anyone considering a treatment. Unlike an oncologist or cancer center, we make no money (or lose no money) if a person undergoes a specific treatment, so we can be objective about whether or not to proceed with a treatment. We use a novel approach that combines expected benefits, life extension, and other factors. Therefore, the answer is personalized to the user’s input.

Treatment AI Calculator Article Index

Article Category #20: List of Recommended Cancer Prevention and Treatment

This section contains the items that we recommend for both prevention and treatment.

List of Recommended Items for Cancer Article Index

Article Category #21: Cancer, Mitochondria, and Cellular Metabolism

Conventional cancer treatments are based upon a hypothesis called the cell mutation or somatic hypothesis. There is ample evidence that this is incorrect. However, the revenues from conventional treatments are too high and already established, which it is very slow to change. A key to cancer prevention is optimizing cellular metabolism, covered in the following articles.

Mitochondria and Cellular Metabolism Article Index

Article Category #22: Cancer Screening

These are only the cancer articles related to cancer screening. These articles are critical to understanding how decisions begin to be made and how one is placed into a cancer treatment funnel, whether warranted or not.

Cancer Screening Article Index

Article Category #23: Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer screening and treatment is one of the great scams in medicine.

Prostate Cancer Article Index

Article Category #24: Breast Cancer

It is one of the most common cancers and one of the most screened. The reality of breast cancer is not what is generally communicated to the public.

Breast Cancer Article Index

Article Category #25: Cancer and the Sun and Skin Cancer

Understanding the interaction between sun exposure and cancer, as well as skin cancer, is critical to addressing cancer.

Cancer and the Sun and Skin Cancer Article Index

Article Category #26: Hydroxychloroquine

Hydroxychloroquine is a highly controversial treatment, but it is far more controversial in the media than in the research studies. Hydroxychloroquine’s most common use in terms of subscribers’ interest is against autoimmune disorders and, to a lesser degree, cancer.

Hydroxychloroquine Article Index

Article Category #27: Immunity

The immune system is the body’s universal defense against illness. It is core to preventing and killing cancer, but of course, it impacts overall health.

This article index explains the immune system and improvement from many perspectives, including cancer, diet & supplements, sleep, and background on immunity.

Immunity Article Index

Article Category #28: Heart Disease

This section covers heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality in the US.

Heart Disease Article Index

Article Category #29: Statins and Cholesterol

This section covers heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality in the US.

Statins and Cholesterol Article Index

Article Category #30: Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are how drugs and other medical items receive approval. However, how much do you know about how clinical trials are run, who pays for them, and how they match the results from the field?

These articles expose the reality of clinical trials.

Clinical Trial Article Index

Article Category #31: Auto-Immune Disease

Auto-immune diseases are when the immune system loses its ability to effectively distinguish between healthy cells of the body and those it is supposed to destroy. The medical establishment has only very blunt tools to treat autoimmune diseases.

Auto-Immune Disease Article Index

Article Category #32: Covid General

These articles provide an important analysis of the covid pandemic. The covid pandemic and the response by medical authorities are critical to understanding how the medical establishment publishes industry-controlled information to the public.

Some people think that because the pandemic is over, there is less value in going through and analyzing what the medical authorities said. We disagree. The medical authorities and establishment media were caught red-handed lying about virtually every aspect of the pandemic. Big Tech and the media were pressured by governments to stifle dissent and to promote false information about covid from governments and health authorities.

Covid General Article Index

Article Category #33: Covid Vaccines

Many people are done with covid as the focus on the virus has dramatically declined since the pandemic. However, covid is not done with the population because ineffective and dangerous vaccines are widely used.

These articles cover COVID from the perspective of the vaccines, who died from COVID-19, how the pandemic exposed the health authorities and overall healthcare system in the US and other Western countries, and what these observations can teach us about interpreting other advice provided by these systems.

Covid Vaccine Article Index

Article Category #34: Vaccine General

The real story of vaccines is shocking.

The medical establishment has falsified vaccines and the historical improvement against infectious diseases to push unsafe and ineffective vaccines — and this control over the infectious disease narrative is core to the medical establishment’s exaggerated authority and claims of effectiveness.

Vaccine General Article Index

Article Category #35: Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important supplements. What is interesting about the effectiveness of vitamins is how strongly the health authorities seek to keep people from taking them.

Vitamin D Article Index

Article Category #36: Vitamin C

Like Vitamin D, Vitamin C is another one of the most important supplements.

Vitamin C Article Index

Article Category #37: Other Supplements

Supplements and overall nutrient optimization are essential for health and are deliberately minimized in importance by the medical establishment. There are many nutrients for which the US population has repeatedly been shown to be deficient and directly related to health. The more people rely on fast and processed food, the more nutrient-deficient they will become.

Supplement Article Index

Article Category #38: Antidepressants and SSRIs

This section covers antidepressants by addressing their effectiveness, history, and how health authorities have presented this topic.

Antidepressant and SSRIs Article Index

Article Category #39: Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder

Antipsychotics were initially designed for those with severe mental disorders like schizophrenia. However, their usage has been greatly increased.

PMDD Article Index

Article Category #40: Antipsychotics/Tranquilizers

Antipsychotics were initially designed for those with severe mental disorders like schizophrenia. However, their usage has greatly enlarged by being prescribed to people with depression.

Antipsychotic and Tranquilizer Article Index

Article Category #41: Benzodiazepines

A drug commonly prescribed for anxiety. This is yet another drug that has led to enormous problems and has been falsely advertised.

Benzodiazepine Article Index

Article Category #42: ADHD and Amphetamines

  • ADHD is a condition that massively increased in diagnoses in just a few decades — and is intertwined with the issue of antidepressants.

ADHD and Amphetamine Article Index

Article Category #43: Inflammation

Inflammation is the gateway to a large number of diseases. Everyone should be concerned with managing inflammation.

Inflammation Article Index

Article Category #44: Hospital Selection

Hospital selection is one of the most essential parts of health management.

Hospital Selection Article Index

Article Category #45: Brain Health

Many ailments can be addressed by focusing on what is necessary to optimize the brain through nutrition and exercise. The medical establishment virtually ignores these areas as they are not profit-maximizing and reduce the control of the MD, hospital, medical center etc., over the patient.

Brain Health Article Index

Article Category #46: Sleep Optimization

Sleep is where the body performs a disproportionate amount of repair versus the hours one is awake and is critical to the immune system and brain function.

Sleep Optimization Article Index

Article Category #47: Opioids

Opioids are yet another example of the lack of concern for public health by what are supposed to be public health authorities. Even for those not personally or with family members addicted to opioids, this story is damning for what it says about the controls on the system.

Opioids Article Index

Article Category #48: Protein Pump Inhibitors and Antacids

These two types of drugs are often considered innocuous. These articles explain the reality of constantly changing the acidity of your digestive system.

PPI and Antacid Article Index

Article Category #49: Hormone Replacement and Sex Topics

Hormone replacement is performed for both women and men. This section covers medical sex topics.

Hormone Replacement and Sex Topics Article Index

Article Category #50: Food, Obesity, and Weight Management

Food is a vastly underestimated and underemphasized area within medicine. This is why it is important not to look to medical professionals for food advice. The medical profession does not make money selling food.

Food, Obesity, and Weight Management Article Index

Article Category #51: Diabetes

There are many natural things that one can do to address diabetes and also to prevent diabetes. The medical establishment promotes none of these items.

Diabetes Article Index

Article Category #52: Sodium and Salt and Iodine

Sodium and salt intake is a misunderstood area of medicine and health.

Sodium, Salt and Iodine Article Index

Article Category #53: Exercise and Health

This section covers the intersection of exercise, health, and medicine. Exercise is vital to maintaining a robust immune system; the benefits are multifaceted and greatly underemphasized by the medical establishment. It is often said that if the benefits of exercise were in a pill, it would be one of the most valuable drugs ever invented.

Exercise and Health Article Index

Article Category #54: Generic Drugs

Understanding generic drugs is critical to disease treatment. Generic drugs are not what they appear at first glance, and more often than not, even healthcare practitioners do not understand many important aspects of how the generic manufacturing industry works the implications for the drugs we take, and the prices we all pay.

Generic Drugs Article Index

Article Category #55: Drug Pricing

Drug pricing in the US is very complicated and is also little regulated.

Drug Pricing Article Index

Article Category #56: Aging

This section covers aging and how to reduce its effects.

Aging Article Index

Article Category #57: Osteoporosis and Bone Health

Osteoporosis is critical to getting accurate information because many bad osteoporosis drugs exist.

Osteoporosis and Bone Health Article Index

Article Category #58: Breast Feeding Versus Formula

This topic illustrates another failure of the medical establishment in the area of public health.

Breast Feeding Versus Formula Article Index

Article Category #59: Arthritis

Arthritis has several natural items that are easy to do and will improve arthritis, but you won’t hear about them from the medical establishment.

Arthritis Article Index

Article Category #60: Collagen

Collagen is one of the most important factors in overall health.

Collagen Article Index

Article Category #61: The FDA

Pharmaceutical interests have captured the health authorities in the US and many other countries. This is a significant reason they consistently provide poor-quality advice to the public. The FDA is not partially but entirely captured by drug and food companies. They consider their customer’s drug and food companies first and the public a distant second.

FDA Article Index

Article Category #62: The NIH

Pharmaceutical interests have also captured the health authorities in the US and many other countries. The NIH funds research that can be converted into profitable treatments and puts very little funding into prevention.

NIH Article Index

Article Category #63: Other Medical Authorities

The FDA is an agency that promises to do things it does not do and is a captured entity that does the bidding of the drug companies and prioritizes public health and safety.

Other Medical Authorities Article Index

Article Category #64: Bill Gates Foundation

Bill Gates and his foundation are highly influential in funding fake research and promoting false information on many websites. Bill Gates has a faux charity that uses a charitable cover to engage in influence peddling. This hides what is an entirely deceptive and infinitely corrupt enterprise.

Bill Gates Foundation Article Index

Article Category #65: AIDS

Very few, if any, subscribers come to this site that have AIDS or have had a positive HIV antibody test. However, the story of AIDS is a unique front-row seat into how the medical establishment rigged a false hypothesis for AIDS and then censored contradictory explanations. All of this was done for profit-maximizing reasons, and it means that an enormous number of AIDS researchers know the standard explanations for AIDS are false but continue to accept research funding where they know they can never provide any value. The story is also essential, as AZT is a repurposed chemotherapy drug. The chemotherapy aspect of AZT and the impossibility that it can help a single person with AIDS overlap with our research into chemotherapy drugs generally. Information we found shows that the virus hypothesis of AIDS was already disproven in the early to mid-1990s — and yet almost none of the public knows this. AIDS can be considered very similar to the covid plandemic.

AIDS Article Index

Article Category #66: Drug Companies

Drug companies are the most powerful entities in the US medical establishment.

Drug Company Article Index

Article Category #67: Health Insurance and Medical Billing

As with the rest of the medical system, insurance and reimbursement are pitfalls.

Insurance and Reimbursement Article Index

Article Category #68: The Problems With Peer Review Journals

Peer review is often understood as a guarantee of quality control; however, the reality of both the peer review process and how scientific journals operate is much more of a problem than generally understood.

The Problem With Peer Review Journal Article Index

Cancer Specific Article Index

See the non-cancer-specific article index here.

Brightwork Drug Comparison Database

This search engine and database allow for the easy comparison of drugs. It is also not rigged in favor of the pharmaceutical industry, as is the drug information at, Healthline, The Mayo Clinic, WebMD, etc..

Drug Comparison Database