What Does the Term Response Rate Mean When it Comes to Cancer Treatment?

Executive Summary The term response rate is used in cancer research studies and articles on cancer treatments. In this article, we explain what this term means. Introduction Articles on cancer frequently use the term “response rate” but usually do so without defining the term. The intent of this term is to make the outcomes of…

How Effective is Precision or Targeted Cancer Treatment?

Executive Summary Many cancer centers promote the benefits of prediction oncology. This article covers the reality of the effectiveness of precision oncology or precision cancer treatment. Introduction It is widespread for cancer centers and oncologists to promote precision or targeted cancer treatment. In this article, we present the expected effects of these items. Wait One…

The Cancer Genome Project Exposed Hundreds of Completely Ineffective Drugs

Executive Summary The Cancer Genome Project was a significant research expenditure with enormous benefits to coming up with cancer treatments promised. Introduction The investment into cancer research is highly inefficient and focuses on developing highly profitable items for private companies rather than on patient outcomes. A perfect example of this is the Cancer Genome Project….

How Poorly Structured Cellular Cytoplasm Leads to Dysfunctional Mitochondria and Cancer

Executive Summary When the cytoplasm within the cell becomes dysregulated, the mitochondria become defective. This is core to understanding how cells become cancerous. Introduction Mitochondria become defective when the cytoplasm in the cell is dysregulated. This is a vital part of understanding how cells become cancerous. Before explaining this hypothesis, let us review the explanation…

How Cancer Cells Ignore the Immune System’s Directives to Commit Suicide

Executive Summary Due to dysfunctional mitochondria, cancer cells should commit suicide; instead, they rapidly multiply. Introduction The Mitochondrial Theory of Aging proposes that the mitochondria, which produce energy, get damaged as we age. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

How Magnesium Helps Maintain Mitochondrial Metabolism and Disease Prevention

Executive Summary The health of the mitochondria is critical to staying away from the diseases with the highest mortality. Introduction The health of the mitochondria turns out to be critical in preventing cancer. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

The Importance of Understanding Cellular Metabolism to Prevent And Treat Cancer

Executive Summary Two of the most important features of cancer and aging are cellular metabolism and the immune system. Introduction A major part of staying cancer-free or fighting cancer is understanding that cellular metabolism combined with the immune system causes cancer — if brought back into a healthy zone, stop cancer or, at the very…

Understanding the Mitochondrial Hypothesis of Aging

Executive Summary One of the most critical and emerging hypotheses around aging is based on the degradation of the mitochondria. Introduction The Mitochondrial Theory of Aging proposes that the mitochondria, which produce energy, get damaged as we age. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

What Percentage of the NIH’s Cancer Budget Goes to Environmental Exposure?

Executive Summary The NIH massively overallocates funding for treatment over prevention or environmental exposure. It is essential to know how much. Introduction Very little time is spent investigating how the NIH allocates its research money for cancer. It is generally assumed that the NIH is seeking public interest in its cancer research funding decisions, and…

What Percentage of the NIH’s Cancer Budget Goes to Prevention?

Executive Summary The NIH massively overallocates funding for treatment over prevention. It is essential to know how much. Introduction Very little time is spent investigating how the NIH allocates its research money for cancer. It is generally assumed that the NIH is seeking public interest in its cancer research funding decisions, and this could not…