Is Extreme Exercise a Form of Cancer Prevention?

Executive Summary There is a great deal of celebration of people who engage in extreme exercise on the part of cancer survivors. How good of an idea is this type of exercise? Introduction This article analyzes a well-known trope, which is that of the cancer survivor who becomes an extreme exerciser, and whether this is…

What is the Best Type of Exercise to Increase Testosterone?

Executive Summary An important part of how the body progresses in muscular development from exercise is the increase in testosterone from the exercise. This article covers a video that explains what is most effective. Introduction Exercising with a focus on increasing testosterone should be a focus. In this article, I highlight a video that explains…

The Mayo Clinic’s Problematic Explanation of Weight Loss and the Wall

Executive Summary The wall is well known among those seeking to lose weight. This covers the inconsistency between testing and the Mayo Clinic’s explanation of the phenomena. Introduction The wall is a nonlinear reduction in the weight given the same weight loss activities that occur after the first significant amount of weight loss. Wait One…

How Yoga is Overrated as and Exercise for Health

Executive Summary Yoga is often promoted as both a good use of exercise time and healthy. How accurate is this reputation that yoga has? Introduction Yoga is often promoted as a healthy exercise; however, in this article, we call into question the comparative health benefits of yoga. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not…