An Epidemic of Foreign Born MDs Who Have Problems Communicating With Their Patients

Executive Summary There is a major issue in the US and is even more advanced in the medical systems of countries like the UK, Australia, and many other English-speaking countries: doctors who communicate poorly with patients due to language barriers. Introduction Communication issues have been continually getting worse due to the high percentage of foreign-born…

How Oncologists Offices Are a Better Value for Treatment Than Hospitals

Executive Summary Oncologists’ offices are a far better value than hospitals for cancer treatment. In this article, we review the cost comparisons. Introduction There is an unseen battle between oncologist centers and hospitals in the oncology space. Hospitals buy oncology offices to increase the cost of treatment. Although oncology offices are better values, the US…

What is the Value of Our Cancer Center Analysis?

Executive Summary We offer hospital and cancer center analysis. We were asked what the value added to this analysis over what a patient can find out independently. Introduction Hospital selection is tricky. This is particularly true as most patients undergoing the selection process have little experience with the hospital system. Wait One Second… Why is…

A Miserable Experience at a Banner Hospital in Mesa AZ

Executive Summary The experiences at many, if not most, hospitals are horrible. This article covers one of these types of experiences. Introduction This article describes an experience supporting a patient admitted to the Mesa Banner Heart Hospital on Jan 1st, 2022. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text…

How Hospitals Became So Powerful in the US Health Care System

Executive Summary Hospitals were not always as dominant in the US healthcare system as they are today. This article delves into how this happened. Introduction One of the lesser-discussed topics of medicine is how people make their hospital selections. In this article, we review the primary information sources for hospital selection. Wait One Second… Why…

What Information is Available for People to Perform Hospital Selection?

Executive Summary Hospital selection is one of the most essential parts of treating a medical condition. We cover what information is generally available to people. Introduction One of the lesser-discussed topics of medicine is how people make their hospital selections. In this article, we review the primary information sources for hospital selection. Wait One Second……