How the Rise in Mastectomies is Not Evidence Based

Executive Summary Mastectomies were proven to be far less desirable than lumpectomies decades ago. Yet their frequency is only increasing without evidence they are better. Introduction We read about the history of the mastectomy and the lumpectomy — read the article The Terrible History of Mastectomy Surgery for Breast Cancer. Wait One Second… Why is…

How Much of the Cancerous Cells Can One Expect Surgery to Remove?

Executive Summary The topic of the percentage of cancer cells that are removed by a cancer surgery is not often discussed. Introduction The assumption of the high percentage of cancer cells that are removed by a cancer surgery is vastly overestimated by cancer patients. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

The Terrible History of Mastectomy Surgery for Breast Cancer

Executive Summary Mastectomies were proven to be far less desirable than lumpectomies decades ago. So why are they still being performed? Introduction We cover the history of the mastectomy and ask why this surgery continues to be used. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

The Lack of Quality Control and Accountability for Incompetent Surgeons at Hospitals

Executive Summary This is a shocking story of the lack of quality control at multiple hospitals regarding an utterly incompetent surgeon. Introduction Cancer surgery intuitively makes sense and is often considered the most direct cancer treatment. However, this understanding is based upon a flawed assumption about how cancer works. Wait One Second… Why is The…

A First Hand Account of a Patient Going Through The Cancer Surgery Process

Executive Summary It is essential to see a patient’s process firsthand concerning cancer surgery. In this article, we analyze this firsthand account. Introduction Cancer surgery intuitively makes sense and is often considered the most direct cancer treatment. However, this understanding is based upon a flawed assumption about how cancer works. Wait One Second… Why is…

How Cancer Surgery Often Causes Metastasis

Executive Summary Surprisingly, a strong relationship exists between cancer surgery driving the spread of cancer. In this article, we examine the connection. Introduction Something never discussed by the medical establishment is why metastasis so often follows cancer surgery. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

How Effective is Surgery Against Cancer?

Executive Summary One of the least questioned treatments for cancer is surgery. The evidence from studies on cancer surgery indicates that it should be questioned. Introduction Cancer surgery intuitively makes sense and is often considered the most direct cancer treatment. However, this understanding is based upon a flawed assumption about how cancer works. Wait One…