Recommendations for Negotiating Hospital Bills

Executive Summary For uninsured people, knowing how to negotiate with hospitals over bills is essential. Introduction This article covers essential features of hospital bills. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You are a Subscriber but Not…

The Issue of Medicare Reimbursement Promoting the Acquisitions of Oncologist Offices

Executive Summary Hospitals are increasing their ability to charge medicare by simply buying oncology offices and immediately charging Medicare more for the same services. Introduction It is tough to make Medicare more efficient as so many special interests make so much money off of high levels of waste. The following article Medicare is cutting critical…

Why Are the Costs of Medicare Growing Unsustainably?

Executive Summary Medicare wastes enormous amounts of money funding treatments that do not work and are parasitized by private companies. Elite think tanks want the public to think the only answer is to cut benefits and increase funding. Introduction Medicare is a program with enormous waste; however, it is not in administration but in how…

Why Elite Think Tanks Love Medicare Advantage

Executive Summary Medicare Advantage is a way to increase Medicare fraud and corporate profits from government money. Naturally, the elite think tanks love it. Introduction Medicare Advantage is not Medicare, an attempt by private insurance companies to ride on the good name of Medicare. For this reason, they pay elite think tanks to write articles…

Why Medicare Advantage is Not Medicare

Executive Summary Medicare Advantage is Medicare in name only. This article covers why you should be very cautious with Medicare Advantage. Introduction Medicare Advantage is not Medicare, an attempt by private insurance companies to ride on the good name of Medicare. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text…