The Connection Between Iodine and Immunity

Executive Summary Iodine has a powerful effect on immunity. Introduction Iodine is an essential input to the immune system and is greatly underapplied. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You are a Subscriber but Not Signed…

How The Low Sodium Diet Reduces Cellular Metabolism

Executive Summary Sodium is an essential input that optimizes cellular metabolism. Introduction This article will cover how the insufficient sodium intake recommended by the FDA and the overall medical establishment damage cellular metabolism. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

How Low Salt Diets Increase The Risk of Cardiovascular Events

Executive Summary Salt has a tiny effect on blood pressure; a low-sodium diet has a major impact on the incidence of cardiovascular events. Introduction In an example of stunning incompetence, the medical establishment promoted low-sodium diets without considering the resulting increase in cardiovascular events. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

The Surprisingly Small Impact of Salt on Blood Pressure

Executive Summary What is embarrassing for researchers and the medical establishment is now the effect of salt on blood pressure. Introduction This website has already listed several items that the medical establishment got wrong, with one example being their explanation of saturated fat and cholesterol, which I cover in the article Why Reducing Cholesterol Should…

How Low Salt Intake Stresses the Body

Executive Summary The low-sodium diet that the medical establishment recommends stresses the body in many ways. Introduction While the medical establishment recommends the low sodium diet, it does not improve hypertension and stresses the body in multiple dimensions. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

Follow the Terrible Science: The Hypothesis Behind Low Sodium Diets

Executive Summary For those who say health and medical authorities should be followed as they represent “the science,” the story of the faux science behind low-sodium diets is sobering. Introduction To see how bad science can be and still result in decades-long health and dietary guideline changes, it’s essential to consider the horrendous science behind…

Why High Salt Intake Does Not Correlate With Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

Executive Summary For decades, the medical establishment has told people to reduce their salt intake. The entire time, this advice did not lower hypertension and was negative for public health. Introduction This website has already listed several items that the medical establishment got wrong, with one example being their explanation of saturated fat and cholesterol,…