Executive Summary

  • This is the simplified article listing. To keep this index page open, all article links will open in a new tab.
  • To see all of the articles, keep scrolling down.

Complete Article Listing

  • We currently have the following articles on this website.
  • If you have any problems in finding articles, reach out to us — through the chat widget in the lower right-hand corner of this webpage. The chat widget appears on every single page of this site.

Introductory Articles

These articles are a good place to start if this is your first time here.

  1. About Us
  2. Searching for Site Articles
  3. Getting Access to the Articles at the Site
  4. Options for People Interested in Independent Medical Analysis
  • If you have questions about searching for articles, go to How to Search the Site.
  • To see all the articles keep scrolling the page.

Article Category #1: Ivermectin Articles

  • Ivermectin offers treatment and prevention for many diseases and general health maintenance.
  • This article index provides explanations of Ivermectin from many perspectives, including cancer, the medical establishment’s war on Ivermectin, dosage and safety, general topics, and covid.
  • These first articles are both subscriber favorites and the starter articles. Starter articles are the articles that subscribers are most curious about right off the bat – including dosage, sourcing, and so on.

Starter Ivermectin Articles

We recommend you read these articles first. These articles focus on how to use Ivermectin. 

Begin by reading these articles. Then, navigate to the window below to read more. 

  1. The Brightwork Ivermectin Dosage Guide (Subscriber favorite)
  2. The Brightwork Cancer Protocol (Subscriber favorite) 
  3. Our Recommended Source for Ivermectin (Subscriber Favorite)
  4. How Long Should a Person Take Ivermectin? (Subscriber favorite)
  5. Is There a Best Ivermectin Dosage for Cancer or Cancer Types? (Subscriber favorite)
  6. Our Sourcing and Bioequivalence Testing (Subscriber favorite) 
  7. Does Everyone at Brightwork Research Take Ivermectin (Subscriber favorite)

Related Articles

Article Category #2: Drug Sourcing

  • This article category applies to Ivermectin as well as other drugs. Sourcing is more complicated than the majority of subscribers first think, as there are multiple factors to consider.

Article Category #3: Hydroxychloroquine

  • Hydroxychloroquine is a highly controversial treatment, but it is far more controversial in the media than in the research studies.

Article Category #4: Immunity

  • The immune system is our primary defense against illness.
  • This article index explains the immune system and improvement from many perspectives, including cancer, diet & supplements, sleep, and background on immunity.

Article Category #5: Cancer General

  • Despite enormous sums spent on cancer research, cancer continues to be expected.
  • These articles cover cancer from the perspective of its function, analysis of the advice provided by health authorities, the use of Ivermectin, and the problematic way information about cancer treatments gets to the public.

The Brightwork Cancer Protocol

Article Category #6: Cancer and Chemotherapy

  • This is only the cancer articles related to chemotherapy.

Begin by reading these articles. Then, navigate to the window below to read more. 

  1. How Effective is Chemotherapy?
  2. Is Chemotherapy Treatment Worth its Expected Life Extension?
  3. Is Chemotherapy Treatment Competitive Versus General Health Improvement?
  4. How Cancer Screening Places People Into the Cancer Treatment Sales Funnel
  5. Does Cancer Screening Improve Patient Outcomes?
  6. Personalized Chemotherapy Treatment AI Calculator

Article Category #7: Cancer and Radiotherapy

  • This is only the cancer articles related to radiotherapy.

Begin by reading these articles. Then, navigate to the window below to read more. 

  1. How Effective is Radiotherapy?
  2. Is it a Coincidence that All of the Top Search results for Radiotherapy Promote Radiotherapy?
  3. How Cancer Screening Places People Into the Cancer Treatment Sales Funnel

Article Category #8: Cancer and The Immune System and Immunotherapy

  • This is only the cancer articles related to the immune system and immunotherapy, one of the major standard cancer treatments.

Article Category 9: Covid General

  • These articles provide an important analysis of the covid pandemic. The covid pandemic and the response by medical authorities are critical to understanding how the medical establishment publishes industry-controlled information to the public.

Article Category #10: Covid Vaccines

  • Many people are done with covid as the focus on the virus has dramatically declined since the pandemic. However, covid is not done with the population because ineffective and dangerous vaccines are widely used.
  • These articles cover covid from the perspective of the vaccines, who died from covid, how the pandemic exposed the health authorities and overall healthcare system in the US and other Western countries, and what these observations can teach us about how to interpret other advice provided by these systems.

Article Category #11: Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D is one of the most important supplements. What is as interesting about the effectiveness of vitamins is how strongly the health authorities seek to keep people from taking them.

Article Category #12: Osteoporosis and Bone Health

  • Osteoporosis is a critical area to get accurate information as there are so many bad osteoporosis drugs.
  1. How Effective is Prolia and What is its Cost and Cost Benefit?

Article Category #13: Antidepressants and SSRIs

  • This section covers antidepressants by addressing their effectiveness, history, and how health authorities have presented this topic.

Article Category #14: Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder

  • Antipsychotics were initially designed for those with severe mental disorders like schizophrenia. However, they have been greatly enlarged in their usage.

Article Category #15: Antipsychotics/Tranquilizers

  • Antipsychotics were initially designed for those with severe mental disorders like schizophrenia. However, they have been greatly enlarged in their usage.

Article Category #16: Benzodiazepines

  • A drug commonly prescribed for anxiety. This is yet another drug that has led to enormous problems and has been falsely advertised.

Article Category #17: ADHD and Amphetamines

  • ADHD is a condition that massively increased in diagnoses in just a few decades — and is intertwined with the issue of antidepressants.

Article Category #18: Inflammation

  • Inflammation is the gateway to a large number of diseases. Everyone should be concerned with managing inflammation.

Article Category #19: Medical Authorities: The FDA, NIH, and CDC

  • Pharmaceutical interests have captured the health authorities in the US and many other countries. This is a major reason they so consistently provide poor-quality advice.
  1. How the FDA Has Been Corrupted by the Pharmaceutical Companies
  2. How the Recommended Daily Allowances or RDAs Are Set Too Low by the FDA
  3. How Yale, the FDA, and Merck Lied About Molnupiravir's Inferiority to Ivermectin
  4. The NIH’s Skeptical View on Supplements
  5. Why Health Authorities Position MDs, Nurses, and Pharmacists as Experts in Nutrition
  6. How Adverse Drug Deaths Are Covered Up By Hospitals And The FDA
  7. How Do Pharmaceutical Company Controlled Studies Have a +95% Success Rate?
  8. How WebMD is a Marketing Front End for the Medical Establishment
  9. How Drug Companies Try to Scare Patients From Generic Drugs
  10. How Cancer Research Funded by the NIH and American Cancer Society is for Developing Profitable Items
  11. How The FDA Supercharged the Opioid Epidemic by Approving Battlefield Painkiller Dsuvia
  12. Why the NIH Does Not Have Any Studies on Ivermectin for Treating Cancer
  13. How Gilead Brought Off the NIH's Support of Remdesivir
  14. How The NIH Maximizes Covid Hospitalizations By Not Recommending Anti-Inflammatories
  15. How Both The FDA And The European Medicine Agency Are Controlled By Pharmaceutical Companies
  16. The FDA, CDC and NIH Do Not Want Adverse Drug Reactions Counted
  17. The Medical Establishment Resents People Checking Covid Adverse Reactions in VAERS
  18. What Has Ignorance and Lies by MDs on Covid Treatments Done to Medical Trust?
  19. Why Does the FDA Not Clearly Publish Information on Clinical Trials at Their Website?
  20. How Hospitals Were Ineffective Against Covid and Killed Many
  21. Why The FDA Did Nothing to Moderate Nexium Prilosec And PPI Prescriptions
  22. How FDA Did Nothing to Stop And Turned a Blind Eye to The Opioid Epidemic
  23. How Low Are the FDA's Standards of Evidence for New Drug Approval?
  24. Lies Told by Forbes and Big Pharma on Elizabeth Warren's Recommendation
  25. How The FDA Backpeddled On Their False Claims Around Ivermectin
  26. How The Endpoint of the Covid Vaccine FDA Studies Was Rigged by Pharma Companies
  27. How Pharma Companies and the Medical Establishment Crushed Academic Freedom
  28. What Percentage of the NIH’s Cancer Budget Goes to Prevention?
  29. What Percentage of the NIH’s Cancer Budget Goes to Environmental Exposure?
  30. How the FDA Lied About the Safety and Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine Versus Covid
  31. How the FDA Changed its Warning Against Ivermectin
  32. How The FDA Routinely Covers Up Clinical Trial Fraud
  33. How the FDA’s Generic Bioequivalence Testing is Fake
  34. The Myth of the FDA Properly Inspecting Indian and Chinese Drug Manufacturing Plants
  35. How the FDA Approves of Generic Drugs They Know are Not Bioequivalent

Article Category #20: Hospital Selection

  • Hospital selection is one of the most important parts of health management.

Article Category #21: Drug Pricing

  • Drug pricing in the US is very complicated and is also little regulated.

Article Category #22: Brain Health

  • Many ailments can be addressed by focusing on what is necessary to optimize the brain through nutrition and exercise. The medical establishment virtually ignores these areas as they are not profit-maximizing and reduces the control of the MD, hospital, medical center etc., over the patient.

Article Category #23: Opioids

  • Opioids are yet another example of the lack of concern for public health by what are supposed to be public health authorities. Even for those not personally or with family members addicted to opioids, this story is damning for what it says about the controls on the system.

Article Category #24: Protein Pump Inhibitors and Antacids

  • These two types of drugs are often considered innocuous. These articles explain the reality of constantly changing the acidity of your digestive system.

Article Category #25: Hormone Replacement and Sex Topics

  • Hormone replacement is performed for both women and men. This section covers medical sex topics.

Article Category #26: Food, Obesity, and Weight Management

  • Food is a greatly underestimated area within medicine.

Article Category #27: Generic Drugs

  • Understanding generic drugs is critical to disease treatment. Generic drugs are not what they appear at first glance, and more often than not even health care practitioners understand them.

Article Category #28: Exercise and Health

  • This section covers the intersection of exercise, health, and medicine.

Article Category #29: Heart Disease

  • This section covers heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality in the US.

Article Category #30: Aging

  • This section covers aging and how to reduce its effects. 

Article Category #31: Insurance and Reimbursement

  • As with the rest of the medical system, insurance and re-imbursement is filled with pitfalls. 

Brightwork Drug Comparison Database

This is a search engine/DB that allows for the easy comparison of drugs. It is also not rigged in favor of the pharmaceutical industry, as is the drug information at Drugs.com, Healthline, The Mayo Clinic, WebMD, etc..

Drug Comparison Database

Other Options

We provide other offerings in addition to the articles we write. See the following options to improve your health outcomes further.

The following are additional options that we offer.

Option #1: Question Answered = $45 One Time Charge

  • Many people are short on time, pressure at work and home, and don't have time to read all the necessary material. However, and need to get an answer in a short expenditure of time, along with an explanation as to why.
  • If this is you, the BRTD Question Answering Service is the best choice. This can be anything from dosage estimation on Ivermectin to replies on effective cancer treatments -- it is up to you.
  • The service is done through the chat widget. As it's a texting widget, it does not "disconnect," The process does not have to occur simultaneously, as you can text us whenever convenient. This is the fastest way to get the information you want.

Questions Answered

Option #2: 1-Hour Discussion With Shaun Snapp

  • It takes significant effort to read the necessary articles on this site unless it's a very easy question. We have found that a call to provide information from the person who has written the articles on the site is very beneficial and makes the time spent investigating much more efficient for subscribers. 

Buy One Hour Call

Option #3: Treatment Consulting Service

  • Some people want a completely independent analysis and feedback on their treatment. It should be noted that it is rare for patients to get anything but a second opinion -- from another MD with the same financial incentives.
  • This can range from shorter feedback on treatment without a supporting document to a 20 to 25-page personalized write-up and an interactive explanation where the patient is a case study that provides profiled treatment options.

Based On What?

All recommendations are based on a review and selection of the medical literature. There is no set fee for this service, and it depends upon the amount of effort involved. This is priced by the explanation of what the subscriber is interested in. Once you have agreed to our estimate, we will send you a link where you can pay. 

How Long Does it Normally Take?

Normally all analysis is completed in less than a week.

What Would Be the Price for My Issue?

To inquire about what this would cost for your question, contact us through the chat widget in the lower right-hand corner of the site. We will produce a custom estimate and send you a payment link.

Option #4: Cancer Center Analysis

  • Selecting a cancer center is stressful. In our experience, most people make a fast decision and go with one of the first cancer centers they visit. Cancer centers make assertive pitches that they can help cancer patients. Patients often "trust their doctor," however, what if that MD is recommending treatments that are low in effectiveness? Also, "which doctor." 
  • We both evaluate the cancer centers you are considering and recommend a specific cancer center to you. 

The Cost

There is no set fee for this service, and it depends upon the amount of effort involved. This is priced by the explanation of what the subscriber is interested in. We will produce a custom estimate and send you a payment link.

Cancer Center Analysis